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Očakávané otepľovanie Zeme sa nepozitívne nezlepšilo už 3 roky. Klimatické rozhovory OSN stále pokračujú.

For the third straight year, efforts to fight climate change haven’t lowered projections for how hot the world is likely to get


Očakávané otepľovanie Zeme sa neprejavilo počas posledných 3 rokov.

For the third straight year, efforts to fight climate change haven’t lowered projections for how hot the world is likely to get — even as countries gather for another round of talks to curb warming, according to an analysis Thursday.


Pre tretí rok po sebe žiadne zlepšenie v predpovedanom otepľovaní Zeme

The analysis comes as countries come together for the 29th edition of the United Nations climate talks ... cope with future harms of climate change and pay for damage from warming's extreme weather. The old goal of $100 billion a year in aid is expiring ...