
15 返信



In a blend of humor and politics, President Joe Biden is poised to take the stage at the 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner, an event that traditionally serves as a light-hearted respite from the usual political discourse. This year, however, the dinner is shadowed by the backdrop of growing protests over Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, adding a layer of gravity to the proceedings. The annual event, often referred to as 'Nerd Prom,' brings together a diverse crowd of journalists, politicians, and celebrities, offering the President a unique opportunity…  続きを読む



In a dramatic turn of events that has captured the attention of both national and international observers, Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf is fervently seeking 'common ground' with his political adversaries as he faces the most challenging period of his political career. Amid looming votes of no confidence, Yousaf's outreach to other party leaders is a strategic move aimed at securing his position and steering his administration through turbulent waters. This approach marks a significant pivot in Scottish politics, highlighting the complexities and nuances of governance…  続きを読む



In a recent surge of violence in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinian gunmen at a military checkpoint in the northern region, marking a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants. The incident occurred overnight at the Salem checkpoint in the Jenin area, where several Palestinians opened fire on soldiers, prompting a deadly response. This confrontation is part of a series of attacks and military operations that have intensified tensions in the region.

The Israeli military stated that the gunmen were shot after they attacked soldier…  続きを読む



In a pivotal move aimed at quelling the escalating tensions in the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to travel to Saudi Arabia next week. This high-stakes visit underscores the Biden administration's commitment to fostering peace and stability in the region, particularly against the backdrop of the stalled negotiations between Israel and Hamas. Blinken's agenda is heavily focused on brokering a ceasefire in Gaza, a task that has eluded international diplomats amid rising violence and humanitarian concerns.

During his two-day visit, Blinken will engage with…  続きを読む



In a remarkable display of solidarity, thousands of supporters and members of Spain's Socialist Party gathered in Madrid, rallying behind Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez amidst swirling rumors of his potential resignation. The heart of the Spanish capital witnessed a sea of supporters, converging outside the Socialist Party's national headquarters, voicing their unwavering support for the embattled leader. The rally was not just a mere gathering but a potent symbol of the deep-rooted support Sánchez enjoys within his party and among the populace, despite the challenges…  続きを読む



In a significant development that could potentially pave the way for peace in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has announced it is currently reviewing a cease-fire proposal from Israel. This comes after months of intense conflict that has led to devastating humanitarian consequences in the region. The proposal, which aims to halt the violence that has claimed tens of thousands of lives, was received by Hamas following a visit by a high-level Egyptian delegation to Israel, highlighting Egypt's pivotal role in mediating between the two parties.

The consideration of the cease-fire proposal by Hamas sig…  続きを読む



The recent overturn of Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction has reignited discussions around the #MeToo movement, highlighting its significant impact and the challenges it continues to face. This development has brought the movement, which gained momentum in 2017 following numerous allegations against Weinstein and other high-profile figures, back into the public eye. Advocates for #MeToo, including founder Tarana Burke, remain undeterred, viewing this legal setback as a catalyst for further activism rather than a defeat. The movement's resilience is evident in its supporters'…  続きを読む



In a move that has sparked international controversy, a flotilla aiming to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza has been halted after the Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry (GBISR) withdrew its flag from two of the vessels. This decision effectively grounds the ships, preventing them from setting sail towards their intended destination. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, the organization behind the aid mission, has labeled the GBISR's action as a 'blatantly political move,' aimed at thwarting their efforts to provide much-needed assistance to the people of Gaza.

The flotilla,…  続きを読む



In a move that has drawn international attention and concern, Sergei Mingazov, a journalist for the Russian edition of Forbes, has been placed under house arrest by a Russian court. The charges against Mingazov stem from a social media post made in 2022, in which he discussed Russia’s suspected war crimes in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. This action is part of a broader crackdown on dissent within Russia, particularly targeting individuals and media outlets accused of spreading 'false information' about the Russian military.

The arrest of Mingazov highlights the increasing risks…  続きを読む



In a significant development that has drawn international attention, the United Nations has made strides in addressing allegations against staff members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The allegations, put forth by Israel, accused several UNRWA workers of being complicit in the Hamas attacks that occurred on October 7. The UN's internal investigations have led to the exoneration of one staff member, with inquiries into three others being suspended due to a lack of evidence. This move has sparked a wide range of reactions, hig…  続きを読む



Israel is in violation of a White House directive requiring recipients of American military assistance to comply with international humanitarian law and permit the unimpeded delivery of U.S.-funded humanitarian support, USAID officials concluded in a confidential United States paper reviewed by Devex.

In a submission to Blinken, USAID “assesses the government of Israel (GOI) does not currently demonstrate necessary compliance” with the memo’s requirement that it facilitate and not impede “the transport of delivery of United States humanitarian assistance” as well…  続きを読む









The US has no Patriot missile systems to spare for Ukraine, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has told MSNBC.

The official was responding to reported comments by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. Addressing a virtual meeting of the so-called Ukraine Defense Contact Group on Friday, Zelensky demanded “at least seven” Patriot batteries from his Western backers. Kiev’s main sponsor, however, has indicated that it has none to spare.

“The US Patriot systems right now are being deployed around the world, including in the Middle East, to protect US troops,” Sul…  続きを読む



In a series of statements that have caught the attention of international observers, Pakistan has made a clear appeal to Indian politicians: stop using the country as a tool for political leverage in the upcoming Lok Sabha Election 2024. This plea was articulated by Pakistan's Foreign Office Spokesperson, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, during a press conference in Islamabad. The call for restraint comes amidst a backdrop of heightened tensions between the two nations, particularly over the contentious issue of Jammu and Kashmir, a region both countries claim but is administered in parts by each.




The CIA and other US intelligence agencies have determined that the Russian authorities weren’t involved in the death of opposition figure Alexey Navalny, the Wall Street Journal has reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

Navalny, who had been serving a lengthy prison sentence stemming from his violations of the terms of a previous fraud conviction and his “extremist activities,” died at a penal colony in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region in northern Russia on February 16.

The Russian prison authorities insist that there was no foul play in the passing of the anti-cor…  続きを読む





The United States is currently reviewing new information regarding allegations of human rights abuses committed by an Israeli military unit in the West Bank, ahead of the recent conflict in Gaza. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed that preliminary findings pointed to 'gross human-rights abuses' by the unit, sparking a debate on the future of U.S. aid to the battalion in question. This revelation comes at a time when the Biden administration faces increasing scrutiny over its support for Israel amidst ongoing tensions in the region.

The allegations against the Israeli Def…  続きを読む