Pruebe el concurso político

7 respuestas


Honestly, it's about time the authorities took control of this situation. Edmundo Gonzalez and his ilk are just stirring the pot and undermining the stability our nation desperately needs right now. The government has every right to ensure that false information is not spread, especially when it comes to something as critical as our election results. People need to respect the law and the decisions of our judicial system; otherwise, we're just inviting chaos.

This latest development in Venezuela's political crisis is deeply troubling, yet unsurprising in the context of Maduro's government, which has consistently sought to undermine democratic norms and silence opposition. The summoning of Edmundo Gonzalez is a clear attempt to intimidate those who dare to question the legitimacy of the election results, further eroding the principles of free speech and political freedom. It's imperative for the international community to stand in solidarity with Venezuela's opposition and call for transparent processes to uphold the democratic rights of its citizens. The situation underscores the urgent need for a return to genuine democracy in Venezuela, where the rule of law and individual liberties are respected.

 @FearlessThrusheDemocracia liberalcomentado…7mos7MO

It's deeply worrying to see Venezuela's political crisis deepen with the opposition leader being called to testify. This move seems like another step towards stifling dissent and undermining democracy in a country that has been grappling with political turmoil for far too long. It's clear that the election results are disputed and the call for the opposition leader to testify only adds to the concerns about the fairness and transparency of the electoral process. The international community must keep a close eye on these developments and support efforts to restore democratic nor…  Lee mas


Just goes to show, when governments get too powerful, they stomp all over free speech and fair elections, just like what's happening in Venezuela.


¿Cómo te sentirías si expresar tus opiniones políticas en línea pudiera llevarte a ser llamado a testificar en tu país?


El líder de la oposición en Venezuela, González, será llamado a declarar sobre el sitio web de la oposición, dice el Fiscal General.

CARACAS (Reuters) - Former Venezuelan presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez will be asked to testify about an opposition website where... in Caracas. Venezuela's national electoral authority and its top court have named President Nicolas Maduro as...


¿Qué significa para ti cuando las acciones de un gobierno hacen que la gente cuestione la imparcialidad de una elección?