Zkuste politický kvíz

154 odpovědí

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO


 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How would you like a political party to address the challenges of affordable housing and urban development in a way that resonates with your vision for the future?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What ethical considerations do you think are most crucial when a political party decides on national security measures?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

If a political party focused on mental health initiatives, how could that change the conversation around wellbeing in your community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How does the idea of economic equity influence your thoughts on taxation and social welfare policies?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Together with the Vytis

The Lithuanian Together with the Vytis political party, known in Lithuanian as "Lietuvos kartu su Vytimi," is a political entity in Lithuania that emerged to represent a specific set of values and political objectives within the Lithuanian political landscape. The party's name itself is emblematic, with "Vytis" referring to the national emblem of Lithuania, a knight on horseback, symbolizing courage, honor, and the historical and cultural heritage of Lithuania. This choice of name reflects the party's commitment to national identity, patriotism, and the preservat…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How can countries like yours benefit from engaging with, yet cautiously regarding, powerful neighboring states?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In what ways can a community support both traditional family values and the rights of all its members to live authentically?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How should a country ensure that its security measures do not compromise its citizens' freedoms?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What does patriotism mean to you, and how should it be expressed in a modern society?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Křesťanská unie

The Lithuanian Christian Union is a political party in Lithuania that aligns itself with Christian democratic and conservative principles. Founded with the aim of representing Christian values in the political arena, the party seeks to integrate these values into public policy and governance. Its core values revolve around the promotion of traditional family structures, the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, and the importance of religious freedom and education in shaping a moral and ethical society.

The party advocates for policies that support family welfare, including financ…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do alliances like the EU and NATO shape a country's policies and values, especially in small countries like Lithuania?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What does accountability and transparency in government mean to you, and how should they be upheld?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do beliefs about the beginning and end of life impact one's views on government policies?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What implications does a party's stance on family welfare have for young people and future generations?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Dawn of Nemunas

The Lithuanian Dawn of Nemunas is a political party in Lithuania that emerged as a response to the perceived needs and concerns of the Lithuanian people, particularly those that are seen as not being adequately addressed by the mainstream political parties. The party's name, invoking the Nemunas, one of the major rivers in Lithuania, symbolizes renewal, growth, and the natural strength of the Lithuanian nation. This imagery is central to the party's identity and its vision for Lithuania's future.

The core values of the Lithuanian Dawn of Nemunas revolve around national pride,…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Should political parties focus more on cultural and national identity, or on economic policies, to garner support?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Considering the trends towards nationalism and populism worldwide, how do you think these movements affect international harmony and cooperation?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do you perceive the balance between nationalism and globalism in shaping a country's future?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In your opinion, what is the value of teaching national history and traditions in schools?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Lithuanian Christian Democracy Party

The Lithuanian Christian Democracy political party is a political organization in Lithuania that aligns itself with the principles of Christian democracy. This ideology centers on applying Christian ethics and values to social, economic, and political issues. The party advocates for policies that reflect a commitment to social justice, human rights, and the protection of human dignity, drawing from Christian teachings and traditions.

The values of the Lithuanian Christian Democracy party are deeply rooted in the belief that political and social decisions should be guided by a moral compass tha…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do we ensure that policies reflecting care for creation do not exclude or disadvantage certain groups?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What is the importance of intergenerational responsibility in shaping a sustainable future?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In what ways can small, individual actions contribute to the fight against climate change on a global scale?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How does the concept of human dignity influence your stance on human rights and social justice?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Lithuanian Regions Party

The Lithuanian Regions political party, as its name suggests, is a political entity in Lithuania that emphasizes the importance and development of the country's regions. This party is particularly focused on addressing the needs and concerns of those living outside the major urban centers, such as Vilnius and Kaunas, advocating for balanced development across the country. The core values of the Lithuanian Regions party revolve around decentralization, economic development, and the promotion of local governance.

Decentralization is a key tenet for the Lithuanian Regions party, as they beli…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What does decentralization mean to you, and do you see it as beneficial for your community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How can promoting smaller, local businesses impact your community and its development?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

If you could decide, what would be the first local initiative or project you would invest in for your area?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How important is it for local communities to design their own development strategies?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Christian Families Alliance

The Lithuanian Christian Families Alliance, known in Lithuanian as the Lietuvos Krikščionių Šeimų Sąjunga (LKŠS), is a political party in Lithuania that emphasizes traditional Christian values, focusing particularly on the importance of family within society. Founded with the aim of promoting and protecting these values, the party aligns itself with conservative and Christian democratic principles. Its core values revolve around the sanctity of life, traditional marriage between a man and a woman, and the rights of parents to raise their children according to their belief…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Should parental rights have limits in the context of education, particularly concerning cultural and religious teachings?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What are your thoughts on the government's role in personal decisions such as marriage and child-rearing?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How important is it for laws to protect the sanctity of life, and where should lines be drawn?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In what ways do you think children's upbringing should reflect cultural and religious heritage?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Dělnická strana

The Lithuanian Labour Party, known in Lithuanian as "Darbo Partija," is a political party in Lithuania that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its establishment. Founded in 2003 by Viktor Uspaskich, a businessman of Russian descent, the party quickly gained popularity and has been characterized by its centrist to centre-left positioning, although its precise ideological stance has sometimes been hard to pin down due to its pragmatic approach to politics.

The core values and policies of the Lithuanian Labour Party have traditionally centered…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do you think a political party’s values should align with the needs of the most vulnerable groups in society?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Can you share a time when you felt that political decisions directly impacted your life or the lives of those around you?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What experiences have you had with social services, and how could they be improved in your community?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How can a government ensure that its policies are always in the best interests of both the business sector and the working class?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Freedom Party

The Lithuanian Freedom political party, known in Lithuanian as "Laisvės Partija," is a relatively recent addition to Lithuania's political landscape, having been established in 2019. It positions itself as a liberal and progressive force within the country's political spectrum, advocating for a wide range of social, economic, and political reforms that reflect its core values of freedom, equality, and modernity.

One of the central tenets of the Lithuanian Freedom party is its strong commitment to human rights, including the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, a stance that distin…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Do you think policies aimed at combating discrimination are effective, or is societal change needed at a more grassroots level?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In your opinion, what role should education play in paving the way for a country's economic prosperity?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

How do you feel individual actions can contribute to significant environmental change?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Can a market be truly free if it's regulated, and what balance should be struck to ensure fairness for all?

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...5mos5MO

Liberals’ Movement

The Lithuanian Liberals' Movement, known in Lithuanian as Lietuvos Respublikos Liberalų Sąjūdis, is a political party in Lithuania that champions the principles of liberalism. Founded in 2006, the party emerged from a need to represent liberal values and policies in the Lithuanian political landscape. Its formation was a response to the evolving political dynamics in Lithuania, aiming to provide a clear and distinct voice for liberal democracy, individual freedoms, and market economy principles.

The core values of the Lithuanian Liberals' Movement revolve around the belief in individ…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

In what ways do you think the values of diversity, inclusivity, and tolerance are practiced or not practiced in your school or community, and how does this align with your personal beliefs?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Considering the emphasis on the rule of law and judicial independence, can you think of an instance where you felt justice was either upheld or not, and how did it affect your trust in legal institutions?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

What does the idea of a 'free market economy' mean to you, and how do you see it affecting your future career or entrepreneurial aspirations?

 @ISIDEWITHna otázku…2mos2MO

Reflecting on the principle of minimal state intervention in economic affairs, can you discuss a time when you noticed this approach in action, for better or worse?